Unit 2 Cranleigh House, Village Way, Cranleigh GU6 8AF

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Unit 2 Cranleigh House, Village Way, Cranleigh GU6 8AF

Retail 313 Sq ft To Let £1,250 per month


Cranleigh is a village on the South-East border of Surrey and is surrounded by gorgeous countryside; the subject property is located on Cranleigh’s busiest road, the B2128 and is the main vehicular thoroughfare through the village. The unit benefits from being located in a prominent position within 5 minutes walking distance of bus stops and is on the edge of the main retail trading in Cranleigh.


A ground floor open plan retail unit previously trading as a cobblers/locksmiths but capable of trading as multiple uses under the new flexible Class “E”.

The unit benefits from kitchenette and W/C facilities found at the rear of the site, large window frontage, Air Conditioning and fluorescent tube lighting.


  Sq. ft Sq. m
Unit 2 Cranleigh House 313 29.08
Total 313 29.08


Available on a new lease.


£1,250 per month.

Business Rates

Rateable Value: £12,750 per annum
Rates Payable: £6,362.25 per annum.
Phased Small Buisness Rates Relief may apply for qualifying tenants and further enquries should be made with the Local Authority

Legal Costs

Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred in the transaction


Strictly by appointment with the sole agents Owen Isherwood.

Charlie  Williams

Charlie Williams
Graduate Commercial Surveyor

  • Retail
  • 764 Sq ft
  • To Let
  • £25,000 per annum +VAT


  • Retail
  • 3521 Sq ft
  • For Sale
  • Offers in region of £995,000
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